Products designed to shine a little light on the subject

Primary Care Optimisation Modules

Primary Care Cloud-based Modelling Modules for Demand and Service Optimisation 

Application of our core capability has led to the development of four specific primary care integrated models that potentially deliver clear short-term benefits for GP’s (and other); patient experience and the wider health and wellbeing ecosystem;

1. Demand: Understanding the underlying demands in the catchment area including trends and events.
2. Supply: Matching point of service delivery to demand.
3. Opportunities: Bringing (back) into the catchment area, additional viable services.
4. Non-medical: analysing the beneficial effect of non-medical intervention facilitated by GP intervention.
We will be the migrating the development models from their Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic forms to Microsoft R as a cloud based subscription or pay-per-use service. This will allow any GP Practice to input their own data and generate useful output at a time and circumstance of their choosing. We will concentrate on the on-going support and development of these and other models.
We are building a collaborative project to include academia as well as commercial partners to deliver this exciting and effective proposition.