Dr Adam Pollard – Founder

Dr Adam Pollard gained a degree in Mathematics at Exeter University. He completed a Masters in Industrial Applied mathematics before taking up an offer of a Geomechanics PhD from Camborne School of Mines. Following two years as a hydro-geologist at the Environment Agency, a change in direction took Adam back to his native Cornwall, where he has worked for over 12 years for the NHS as a mathematician; building simulations, managing performance and compiling a detailed understanding of NHS informatics. In 2005, Adam was awarded an Honorary Fellowship at the Peninsula Medical School in recognition on his work in healthcare modelling.

Recently Adam has spent two and a half years on secondment at the European Centre for the Environment and Human Health in Truro. Whilst in this position, Adam cultivated his research interest in sustainable and cost efficient healthcare, built developed new areas of working around inequality and human health; air pollution; atmospheric services; and radon and cancer. Adam has gone on to publish his work in high-ranking journals and has been invited to present his research to the King’s Fund and the Climate Change and Extreme Events Board of Public Health England. He has published a number of papers on the subject of carbon footprint challenges in the delivery of health services some of which can be accessed through the links on the news page.